Make a video commercial for your business. Nothing fancy. Thirty seconds to one minute will do. You are just trying to stand out from the competition. Take a few pictures of your business with your digital camera. The entrance, some of your product, customers, yourself, whatever you want in your little video commercial. Put it all together and break out your micro soft movie maker.
Ensure you have at the beginning of your video commercial your website displayed and your phone number. You want to do this at the end of your video commercial also. Not sure how to do this, place a free ad on craigslist. You can get someone that can do that for a small fee. Once completed ensure to ad this video commercial to your google places once completed. Then go to you tube and publish it. You can find plenty of samples on you tube. If you got the biggest burger in town show it on the video. If you got some of the nicest out fits show them. If your a church show the church. If you have the best used cars show them. If you got clean outfits for rappers show them. Whatever you have show it. This is free advertising. When you submit it to you tube make sure you use or write a good description. Include your website address and your phone number. However you want to be reached. Make sure you add in your description the city your in. You want to drive traffic to your business. It might not be a bad idea to do this once a quarter to keep fresh content online about your business. Another great way to do this is if you have a camcorder you might just want make a little live video commercial. You can talk about our business or the food you have, the services you perform. Make it fun, interesting, and creative. maybe you want to have your child in the commercial. How about employees you have, maybe you want them in the commercial. Your best waitress, your best hair dresser, your best sales lady, or your best mechanic. You get the message. Please comment and share your link to your new video commercial with us. Just a tip.